Healing through Creating

This past February I found out I was expecting my first child. We heard the heartbeat of our sweet baby at eight weeks and two days. I had been terrified of that first appointment, because I knew it could either be an incredible or devastating day. Once we heard the heartbeat and all my bloodwork came back normal my worries lessened. We shared our news with family and close friends. At 12 weeks I had another ultrasound and was devastated to find out that our baby no longer had a heartbeat. She past just a few days after our confirmation appointment; however, I had continued to have normal pregnancy symptoms so this came as a complete shock. My journey in navigating this experience has been helped by continuing to create. "Your Heart in Mine" is a project that I hope serves other moms in need as they are navigating pregnancy or infant loss.
The title "Your Heart in Mine" serves as a name for this collection of paintings. When I finally felt like creating again I knew that I wanted to do something for others experiencing loss. I know that my story is one of many. It struck me that when you go through a miscarriage you have so little physical evidence that they existed. I knew that I needed something to hold onto and I hope that this provides comfort to others.
These artworks are painted on thick watercolor paper using a variety of pastel and bright colors. Once the paintings are dry I puncture the paper and stitch two concentric hearts. The larger heart is meant to represent the mother and the smaller, interior heart is to represent the life of the baby. The hearts are stitched together to show how deeply connected moms are with their babies.

If you find that "Your Heart in Mine" would be of comfort to you or to someone else that you know, please click below and add one to your cart. These artworks are created as you order them. This allows for you to customize them to your liking. If you are giving it to someone as a gift, feel free to add into the "notes" section. They are all 5" x 7" and will be set in a framed envelope with an explanation of the artwork. They can easily be placed in a more permanent frame.